Base64 Encoder and Decoder: Free Online Tool for Text and Binary Data Conversion

Free, Open Source & Ad-free

Base64 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme designed to deal with data, such as text and binary, that needs to be stored and transferred without modification. This encoding is often used in various applications, including encoding binary data in emails, via MIME, and storing complex data in formats like XML or JSON.

Our free Base64 encoder and decoder allows you to easily encode and decode Base64 strings online. This tool is perfect for developers working with API responses, JSON web services, or any other scenario where binary data needs to be encoded or decoded for transport.

Made with 💜 by the developers building

How to Use Our Base64 Encoder and Decoder

  • Step 1:
    Select whether you need to encode or decode the data.
  • Step 2:
    Paste the text or binary data you want to encode or decode.
  • Step 3:
    Copy the output for use in your projects or APIs.

With this tool, you can convert plain text to Base64 strings, decode API responses, or even work with binary sequences that need to be transferred or stored.

Key Features of Our Online Base64 Encoder and Decoder

  • Instant conversion:
    No need to sign up. Simply paste your data, choose whether to encode or decode, and get the result instantly.
  • Text to Base64:
    You can easily encode text strings into Base64 format, which is useful for encoding API keys, image files, and more.
  • Image to Base64 Conversion:
    Need to encode images? This tool can handle converting image data into Base64, making it easy to embed in HTML or CSS.
  • Binary to Base64:
    Base64 is often used to encode binary data for transmission over media designed to handle text.

Switch JSON files to YAML format with our JSON to YAML Converter.

Working with Base64 in JavaScript:

JavaScript provides built-in functions, btoa for encoding and atob for decoding, which simplify the process of handling Base64.

// Define a string to encode
let message = "Hello, world!";
let encodedMessage = btoa(message); // Encode the string to Base64
console.log(encodedMessage); // Logs: "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ=="

// Define an encoded string to decode
let encodedText = "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==";
let decodedMessage = atob(encodedText); // Decode the Base64 string
console.log(decodedMessage); // Logs: "Hello, world!"

These functions allow seamless data encoding and decoding directly in your code, facilitating efficient data transmission and processing in web applications.

When to Use Base64 Encoding?

You might need to use Base64 encoding when working with systems that are not designed to handle binary data directly. Base64 is often used in email via MIME, storing data in XML or JSON, and ensuring data integrity when it is transferred over the internet. Additionally, Base64 encoding is useful for embedding images or fonts in web pages without linking external files.

Why Use Our Base64 Encoder and Decoder Tool?

Our Base64 encoder and decoder tool is perfect for developers who need a quick, reliable way to handle encoded data. Whether you're working with binary data, JSON web services, or textual information that needs to be stored and transferred safely, this free online tool offers fast and accurate conversions.

You can also use it to encode binary data by treating it numerically and translating it into a Base64 representation, which ensures compatibility across different platforms. The encoding process is seamless, and the encoded data can be easily copied for further use.

Common Use Cases for Base64 Encoding

  • Encoding API keys and tokens for secure transmission.
  • Embedding images directly into web pages using the Base64 format.
  • Encoding complex data for inclusion in JSON or XML formats.
  • Storing and transferring binary data over systems that only accept text.

Decode JWT tokens safely with our JWT Decoder.


  • What is Base64 encoding?
    Base64 is a method of converting binary data into a text-based format for easier handling.It uses a set of 64 characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, and /) to ensure data can be safely transferred over systems that only handle text, such as email or web services.
  • Why would I need to encode or decode Base64?
    You may need to encode data in Base64 if you're working with binary data that must be transferred over text-based systems. Base64 decoding is used to revert encoded text back to its original binary form.
  • Can I encode images using Base64?
    Yes, you can use our tool to convert images to Base64. This is helpful when embedding images directly into HTML or CSS, eliminating the need for external file links.
  • How does Base64 encoding affect data size?
    Base64 encoding increases the size of data by about 33%. This is due to the encoding scheme adding padding to ensure the text is in a multiple of 4 characters.
  • Is Base64 encryption?
    No, Base64 is not encryption. It is an encoding method meant to make binary data compatible with text systems, not to secure data. If you need security, consider combining Base64 with encryption methods.
  • Can I use Base64 for binary data like JSON or XML?
    Absolutely. Base64 is often used to encode binary data for storage in JSON or XML, ensuring data integrity when it's transferred over text-based systems.